“Refuse All ” Button

Why did we add a “Refuse all” button?

Excerpt from the text of the Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec:

"2.2 Mécanismes équitables

Il doit être aussi facile de donner son consentement que de ne pas le donner. Ces options devraient être présentées équitablement. Les mécanismes de consentement qui ne garantissent pas l’équité des options ou qui influencent le choix pourraient mener à un consentement invalide, puisque non véritablement libre." 


"2.2 Fair Mechanisms

It should be as easy to give consent as it is not to give it. These options should be presented fairly. Consent mechanisms that do not ensure the fairness of the options or that influence the choice could lead to consent that is invalid, since it is not truly free."

As you can see, these options “should” be presented fairly. The conditional used in this sentence leaves some freedom on the appearance of the button, as long as the functionality is present. Using the Custom CSS section available in the Consent Management Interface you will be able to change the appearance of the banner and buttons.


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